American Baptist Women's Ministries
delicious gourmet popcorn fundraiser
November 2-6, 2023
begins at 11:00 AM on Thursday, November 2, 2023, and ends on Monday, November 6, 20223 at 11:00 AM EDT
Support American Baptist Women's Ministries by ordering gourmet popcorn through our Double Good popup store. Each of Double Good's unique ultra-premium flavors is handcrafted in small batches and made to order so that you always receive the freshest popcorn with the perfect crunch. ABWM receives 50% of every bag sold. Proceeds support our ministry and mission for women and girls!
Each gift allows ABWM to share free webinars, scholarships, leadership training, and build beloved community. You affirmed our ministries for and with women, young adult women, and girls! Your investment enables ABWM to persist with ministries focused on critical issues that are relevant today. Together we are stronger, and we move forward addressing spiritual growth, advocacy, equity, wellness, and fellowship.
Don't want popcorn? You can still participate in this fundraiser by making a gift to American Baptist Women's Ministries. Click here to give a gift to ABWM or send a check to: American Baptist Women's Ministries, 1075 First Ave STE C-210, King of Prussia, PA 19406.
until the popcorn fundraiser begins!