Through, it’s easy to support AB Women’s Ministries and AB GIRLS. When you buy from merchants through iGive, a portion of the proceeds go to your selected cause. (Merchants include, Eddie Bauer, Barnes and Noble, and many others—there’s a wide selection, offering varying percentages earned for your chosen cause depending on merchant.)
Register: Registration is an extremely easy process and it’s free—go to
Install the iGive toolbar: Download the toolbar to do searches no matter where you are on the web. Downloading and installing the iGive toolbar is very simple and also free—go to
Additionally, you can use iGive’s search engine as you would Google or Yahoo, etc.—except that each time you do a search through iGive, you earn a penny per search for AB Women’s Ministries. Those pennies build up fast!
Search: For every seach, AB Women's Ministries earn $.01—go to
Make iSearchiGive your homepage: If you prefer not to download the toolbar, make iSearchiGive your homepage. Go to, on the bottom right side of the screen, click on “Make iSearchiGive your homepage ».”