Women's History Month Conversations: Belonging
Celebrate Women's History Month with Conversations centered around this year's mission focus, Belonging. God said that "we are all equally made in the divine perfect image" (Genesis 1:26-28). This webinar series features women who have made strides that inspire the belonging of women to various spaces, fields, and communities, as well as belonging to themselves.
Empowerment Series: How's Your Health?
So often, women spend most of their time caring for others while neglecting themselves. Jesus taught us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. A large part of loving ourselves is taking care of our health. To address this critical concern, the Rudd Empowerment Center at ABWM will present each Monday during February, “Empowerment Series: How’s Your Health?” An amazing line-up of presenters will engage participants in varying aspects of health and wellness, including mental, financial, educational, and family/holistic health. This series is for women in general and women of color in particular. Participation is free, but you must register. Come, invite a friend, and together, let’s strive for better health in 2025 and beyond!
Women and Girls' Day 2025
Friday, July 4, 2025 | Omaha, NE | 9 AM – 2 PM
This year at Women and Girls Day, we gather under the inspiring theme of Building God’s Community. Together, we will explore what it means to rise to new challenges, rebuild after difficult seasons, and restore hope and unity in our communities of faith. This is a day for women and girls to unite, empower one another, and work toward a shared vision of God’s inclusive, transformative love in the world. Click here to register!
American Baptist Women's Sunday