We all know that girls and boys are different, and at times, have very different needs. We also know that sometimes youth are less inclined to speak up in mixed crowds, and often hold back from sharing their true feelings around the other gender. Alongside traditional children’s and youth ministry programs, a ministry with girls is a way for girls to have the opportunity to deal with tough questions honestly, to build close relationships with each other and with caring adult women, and to build a program that will meet their particular needs as growing women of faith.
AB GIRLS stands for
Leadership, and
Service. AB GIRLS is American Baptist Women’s Ministries’ ministry with girls.
The AB GIRLS ministry is overseen by a national leadership team of AB GIRLS (NLT), composed of four teenage girls and two adults who meet several times a year to plan national events and provide additional resources for ministry with girls. They are also available to come lead programming in your area!
Interested in our upcoming events for girls? Click here.
We also have free resources! Click here for a list of free downloads.
For information about the NLT, including application forms, click here.
For information about inviting members of the NLT to your region as speakers, email info@abwomensministries.org.